The Shop > Metal Stuff

Durability of hard silver solder?


I am rebuilding an older Barnett crossbow and I need to repair some wear damage to the sear. All of the trigger components are made from mild steel and have grooves worn in them. Ideally I would replicate all the damaged components in something more durable but there are some pretty complex parts to deal with. How well would hard silver solder likely hold up as a contact surface on the sear? Anyone ever done anything like this?

I made a copy of the Barnet when I was in school.

Metal in the metal work class and the stock in the woodwork class ....  :)

Imagine doing that today .....  :jaw:

It worked fine, still have it, but the trigger mech made from mild steel didn't last long before it ripped apart. Mind you I did stick a 150 prod on it.  :zap:

That reminds me, I have another Barnet in good knick in the shed, trouble is these days is taking it out and using it in the UK, far cry from making it as a school boy in class 30yrs ago .... how things have changed....


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