The Shop > Metal Stuff

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Hi Lads

When mooching around a scrap yard , i found just what i had been looking for , A 10' U bend ,8" tube  :) ,  only needing 1/2 of the U shape , i got it burnt up, stuck it in the van and off i went  , very happy with my lump of tube ,  the wife was less impressed with my new fined , as i came back from the yard with more junk than i had taken ,  :lol: :lol: :lol:

I had to cut the tube into three , cos even with viagra i would not get it up myself , just a tad heavy ,  any way its a chimney for my furnace , i have been messing about on and off for a year with my furnace getting it so i can run it in doors , the weather in the north of england is not the best .

Hope it works as i tend to melt more than the pot full of metal  ::)

Cheers Rob

Here is a shot of my furnace that i have been working on , what the chiney connect to  :)

Cheers Rob

Nice work there Rob. That is a a beefy looking furnace. Did you make that too?


Did you weld those numbers on Rob?

Very methodical  :smart:

Dean W:
Gee, Rob, I wish you would do a job half cocked just once in a while, so the rest of us could feel a bit more adequate!
; )
; )

Very nice install job on the chimney.  Very nice looking "little" metal cooker you have there, too!
Thanks for the pics.



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