The Shop > Metal Stuff



Hi All

I went to a car boot sale at nearby Torksey with a mate had a good look round and this followed me home although it was not from a skip dive I had to “PAY” good money for it in the line of £5 that very near broke my heart. As you can see it is quite a substantial blower I think it’s original use was for to inflate a kids bouncing castle anyhow I thought it would come in useful for the future project I have in mind that is to use as a blower for a metal melting furnace it is of all metal construction and has an alloy impellor and blows a gale. It gets even better when I told my mate what I was going to use it for he said he had a small stainless steel beer barrel he would like to get rid of and could I use it. So here we are a blower a barrel and furnace construction
Ideas going round in my head and I am open to suggestions and plans on how to construct a furnace I feel a project coming together.     

Cheers Paul

Hey Paul... 2 nice finds there.  :headbang: I have no suggestions as to how to go about building a furnace tho.


Krown Kustoms:
I have a small furnace and am building one out of a 30 gallon drum. I dont do alot of casting but I enjoy puoring metal and wish I had time to do more.
Here is a site that got me started. I hope it helps.

Nice blower Paul, if you do build a furnace please do make a log of it as I'm sure many of us would find it interesting  :thumbup:

colin peck has a book that is basically an updated version of the gingery furnace with a lot of doo dads attatched

 pretty good buy


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