Author Topic: 4 cylinder OHV engine drawing update  (Read 7825 times)

Offline gbritnell

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4 cylinder OHV engine drawing update
« on: April 05, 2010, 08:43:31 PM »
There is a fellow building the 4 cylinder OHV engine from my drawings. He found a dimensional discrepancy on the sheet with the cam, sheet #8. I was drawing the details of the cam in several different sizes and had the dimensional formatting set up for the different scales. When I dimensioned the cam itself I forgot to switch over to the 1.5 scale format. For anyone who reads this forum and has purchased a set of drawings, please let me know and I will get the new sheet out to you. I will also have the revised sheets available at the NAMES show in a few weeks.
 I apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused. I'm also attaching a PDF of the revised drawing.