yep local waste place is where you might find one .Some words of caution .
Make sure the gas has been removed from the sytem ,its not so much the possibility of physical injury more the massive legal implications that fridge gas now carries .
Be aware a fridge coompressor is considered hazardous waste due to the oil within ,rather than the comp itself .Removing it from a waste dump could be percieved as theft by some people .
tips if you do get one ,
would be if you cut the comp out leave as much pipe as you can for you to fit onto .
If you get one from a recently degassed unit ,be aware that the refrigerant in the oil will behave like pop in a bottle if you shake /jolt the compressor ,thus spraynig all over your car on the way home and it stinks!!!
There may be an electrical thermal overload externally mounted on the body ,bi metalic switch job ,these are often the cause of failure to run issues.
As before leave a tallish stack on the discharge side .
Hope that helps ,just dont want anybody to find themselves in a knightmare with the law or the wife ,outside of this i have had much sucess with my fridge based compressors .