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Guy Lautard's small scriber

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Here's a project I started a year or so ago. It's a small scriber as explained in Guy Lautard's first Beside Reader.

I started with a block of cast iron. I'd cut it out of a larger piece. It was put on hold and never touched again until
a couple of weeks ago. I decided I finally needed to finish the tool. I had already reamed a hole for the cotter key
and spoted a hole on the side for the scriber arm arbor.

What follows are just some pictures of the parts. No dimensions are given since you can very the size and also
it would be a copy infringement on Guy's work. The next 12 pictures are of the cotter keys and the shaft that they
fit on.

This is the begining of the cotter key.

The blank cotter key assembled in the reamed hole.

The hole had been drilled and reaned for a 1/4" dia. Note scalop in the brass. This is the part that will be needed.

Shows which way the cotter needs to face when finished.

The "top-hat" has been faced off and now the top part of the cotter is cut off.

A better pic of the cotter being cut exactly in the middle of the scalop.

And here are the two pieces of the scalop, plus a scale to show size. They are quite small.

The ends are faced off to clean them up.

Here they are with the arbor they are going on.

This shows the bottom of the scriber block milled out so only a small surface rides on the surface plate. Also a slot has been
milled for the small pin on the arbor, plus I tried a spring per Guy's drawing but did not use in the end.

The beginings of the scriber arm, plus two bottons to help with scribing a line.

I used the two bottons to help scribe a line so I could cut the taper in the mill. The scriberd line was lined up by eye in the vise
and a cut was taken.

Two brass knobs, a washer and the arbor for the scriber arm.

Next I cut out the large scalop in the block. I am going to take a plunge cut with a 1" dia. end mill. I've predrilled a hole since the
mill was not a center cutting mill.

There was way to much wobble in the mill with this method so I decided to mill in small steps from the side.

Here are all the parts ready for assembly into the scriber block

Here the scriber is assembled and showing how to set it.

Here it's being used to scribe a line on my next project.

There is still a bit of work to be done on the scriber block Such as adding the finger holds on the side and knurling the brass knobs.
But that's another thread. When I find my

I'll start the project.


usn ret:
WAAYY cool looks good works good!!!  NICE WORK :D Bernd

I needed a low profile scriber for a project but I didn't have your patience so I cobbled this together...

It worked for my job but yours is much more professional looking.

Thanks Marv. Patience, that'll be a first for me. When the building bug bites me it bites hard. I've got another Guy Lautard project in the wings. Another one of those that I started a while back and needs finishing.

Your profile tool looks like something that's easy to make. Thanks for sharing that. Now there's two tools people can choose from to make.

usn ret, thanks. Works great. I really like how those cotter keys work. Not much effort is needed to tighten and hold that scriber arbor.


Hi Bernd

Very nice , i have that on my to do list  :thumbup: i must get round to it

 mklotz  , very clever  :bow:  , good design  :dremel:

Cheers Rob


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