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Fishermans friend!

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Divided he ad:
I know it is not technically challenging but here is a fishermans 'priest' that I made for a friend.

Stainless steel shaft and a bronze (I think) business end!!

This is just to show what type of shapes are achivable with my favorite ball turning tool... see the 'tools' section.


Doh! Just saw this. What on earth is it used for? Knocking out the fish after you catch them?


Divided he ad:

Yes it is for thumping the poor little buggers in the back of the head... Hence the heavy ass business end!!!

It was posted as stated to show the achievable shapes. I didn't know if there would be any fishermen looking around?!


can vouch for this one,i sell these in my tackleshop,not as ornate,but same principle,nice job divided he ad

Divided he ad:
Glad you like it Mick, I just couldn't make a plain one... Just couldn't!  :)

BTW Welcome... Have you used the introductions section to say hi to everyone?.... Mad inventor machinist sounds like our kind of fun  :D



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