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River Queen Open Column Launch Engine


I just completed this engine and it runs! It is built from plans that were published by the Edelstaal Technical Institute in 1972. I downloaded them quite a while ago but I don't remeber the source. Based on the information in the booklet that came with them, this was a kit that was marketed to owners of Unimats. It has a 1/2 inch bore and a 5/8 inch stroke. So far I have been able to run it on 20 pounds of air pressure. All of the machining was done on a Smithy 3in1 machine. With the exception of the 3/16 CRS rod used for the columns and crankshaft and the brass tubing, all of the other materials were pieces of scrap of dubious parentage. The only real problem that I had was when I broke a tap in the final hole in the cylinder. I annealed the brass pipe and then bent it in a jig that I made out of wood. All in all, it was a fun project. I will post some pictures of the work while it was in progress and a video as soon as I learn more about how to use Photobucket and my camera.

I spend about two hours a day on this board and Home Model Engine and read all of the posts. I can't thank the people enough who have given their time and energy to these sites. I have learned so much. I feel both inspired and intimidated by the projects that I have seen. These are the best sources of information that I have found.

Thanks to all,



:ddb: :ddb: WE HAVE A RUNNER  :ddb: :ddb:

Congratulations Jack on getting your engine completed and running. I can just about imagine the big grin on your face when it ran for the first time. I am glad to hear that reading the posts has helped you with your build. I am sure I speak for everyone when I say that we look forward to a video when you get the camera/photobucket figured out. Have you given any thought to what your next project might be?  :D :D

Cheers  :beer:


Nice engine Jack!

No need to feel intimated... inspired yes! My talents are lacking, but I see what I can/could do if I put my mind to it....

Thanks for the kudos about this site. It is the membership that makes it what it is! That includes you.


Oh yeah... 1st running engine?? we need a video so we can share the grin!!   :D :D



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