The Shop > Finishing

Polishing technique.... well it works!

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What are you waiting for? Finish the house already! I do know the feeling though, I got so many things to do before I can play.

Money is the other huge issue I have as well. Maybe you find something to do with the hobby stuff to make money? Look at Bog, he makes engines and then sells them. I am close to doing something similar... got pay for bigger toys to make better stuff. who knows, maybe one day my hobby will turn into a full time business.

swmbo, gotta listen to her. Give some and take some, the divine balance is there somewhere. :)


Not to take away from the thread here but ah, I think we're off topic and hi-jacking Ralph's thread.

Although if we're polishing up the wife so we can play, then I'd say we are on topic.  :o


True. but it is just as much as Ralphs fault as ours.  ;D


--- Quote from: Divided he ad on September 05, 2008, 07:46:53 PM ---
Eric, is it a little odd having the mops on their side? ... I suppose that you get used to it?

--- End quote ---

Back on topic...

It was a little... Gotta be careful for if the mop catches a piece and rips it out of your hand it goes across the room at great force. I have been thinking of modifying it so it takes up less room and positions the mop at the correct angle.


Divided he ad:
Eric, I think you will find that Bog's swaps his little crafted engines for some of that other stuff we all want....

Now back onto the important bit.... I am single (no extra help in the what to do department) and have just enough money to enjoy a little of my life, and do very little to my house!  Still I enjoy what I make and find my shop the only true place I have to relax and lose myself in a world that I really like.

I am not saying this in a depressed state (most of the time I'm quite chipper  :D ) just letting you know that is what my shop is....  Life therapy!!  ;)

Now about this polishing stuff.... I will soon create the spindle previously discussed and then the current video will be re-made, ok so I will lose the hit rating on ulube but it will be a bit of a safer posting ;D

Sleep now talk later!



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