The Shop > Metal Stuff

Making a baby.

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--- Quote from: one_rod on February 15, 2010, 05:40:21 PM ---...
Possibly a  little bit “left field” for the precision machinists and fine-scale workers around here,  but I took few photos while I did it.  So for what it’s worth, here we go…..

--- End quote ---

No such thing. Everything is welcome here.

BTW, great write up! My wife is very interested in blacksmithing... I will show this to her.


Space Fan:
Nice craftsmanship.

J. Tranter:
A little OT here but where can one get railway track?

John T.


That was a great project that you presented us with. The pictures were really great as well. Thanks for showing it to us. :ddb: :ddb:

That what is so great about this forum. One day its blacksmithing and the next day it could be hi-tech electronics or anything in between. If there isn't something here for everyone, they haven't been looking hard enough. :lol: :lol:

Cheers  :beer:


Dean W:
That's a smashing anvil!

Seriously, it looks really nicely done.  I'll bet it has a lot more bounce than those fake cast iron things, too.
Good work.



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