Author Topic: A Passion for Metal, another eye candy delite check his web site out.  (Read 4849 times)

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A Passion for Metal
Harvey (Henry R Harvey)
A Schiffer Art Book
Shiffer Books USA
Bushwood Books UK
 Hard cover
ISBN 0-7643-1840-3
Copyright ©2003

Well it claims to be Reflections and Techniques of a Metal Sculptor.
It is certainly a very good and interesting reflections of a metal and mixed media sculptor/painter.  As for techniques, it is a good basic info for somebody starting out.  The information on the qualities of metals and the differences.  The information on the torch and what you do to it and with it.  He does state that they are beginners projects.

The book is filled with color photos of his and his families work. Over the years, He has developed a number of stock styles of pieces that can be made to the clients order  color, size, shape et all.  Which works for him and his gallery.

From found object constructions, to abstract wall hangings  to the cut nail/horseshoe hail wall hangings and word hangings. To modular wall sculptures that can be arranged to fit any wall or space, in any size.  To his mixed media paint, metal, pastels, patinas found object pieces. I have to admit that he has done some of the ideas that have  been popped into my head by the muse! Not exactly but in the general ball park. The book is a semi catalog of all the styles of and types of work that he has done over the last 30 or so years.

For the more advanced sheet metal sculptor, his rose project demo offers yet another way of doing the time honored flower in metal.  He has no doubts about using what ever will work to get the job done. As his use of the high strength 3M double sided tape to hold it together were welding or soldering wouldn’t work.  The demo project of the spider web is good.  And his demo on the building of the fountain is also a winner.  The rest are only lukewarm.

What surprised me was the way he made his apples for the bronze apple tree, all with flat bottoms. With a little work on a charcoal block or a soft fire brick he could have made molds to make rounder bottom apples.

To his traditional landscape types of painted cut out sheet metal, or his cut out painted sheet metal with large negative space and cast bronze elements.  In the end I have to admit that it was a good read and can fill one with ideas, directions and experiments yet to ponder to improve ones work and fun in the shop.

He does have some kind of classes at his shop/gallery and they book may be used as a text to nudge the student to push and explore the boundaries of metal sculpture. His web site is an eye opener for the same.  Br sure to check out the links and he is a great viral marketer, so don’t slight that one either.

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