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tramming with a DRO

(1/2) > >>

Having read threads about tramming, I set my lonely brain cell to work and came up with this ....

I set up my DTI on the mill spindle and position the tip at the far left of the table, zero the DTI and Z axis of the DRO, raise the mill head so the DTI tip clears the table, rotate by 180 deg and lower the mill head until the DRO Z axis is at zero, the DTI gives the amount out of tram across the sweep of the DTI. It was within 1.5 thou.

I cant see any reason why this method shouldnt be ok, but would value the opinions of those more cleverer than wot I is!

Its an X2 mill by the way.



I may be wrong but I believe that by combining two measurements, DTI and DRO, you are doubling the chance of error. I believe using a thin card or piece of shim stock as a sliding surface for the DTI pointer would ensure batter results.



--- Quote from: boatmadman on January 17, 2010, 07:41:32 AM ---
I cant see any reason why this method shouldnt be ok, but would value the opinions of those more cleverer than wot I is!

--- End quote ---

I downt fink I am more cleverer than u but...... I explicitly concur with 75Plus, my most immediate instincts would suggest that one would be reading the error from both the mill and DRO.   :ddb:

Distinctly not-cleverer here - but would suggest that that moving the head up&down as well could introduce errors due to any 'freedom' or backlash in the Z axis, or indeed the DRO scale connection. Far better to keep the head/quill/knee locked so you are truly only measuring one variable.


Ok, I see what you are all suggesting and it makes sense, thanks



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