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A note about message boards...

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I think that was very well put. We are all here to have a bit of fun and entertainment, brag a bit, show off a bit, just as we would if we were sitting in one of the shops trading stories. I don't think anybody tries to rub anyone the wrong way intentionally. If something seems a bit harsh sometimes, think it over real good before you respond and maybe give it a day to think about it before responding. Sometimes a carefully worded PM to the person in question may be a better solution and that way others are not drawn in. Usually when 2 adults can sit down and talk one on one things can be worked out in good fashion.

2010 is going to be a real growing year for MadModer. December 2009 has already got 120 new members signed up. Let us hope that 2010 will be a banner year for all MadModder members and will result in a mass infection with  :proj:.

Congratulations Eric. Your baby is growing by leaps and bounds. Happy New Year.  :ddb: :ddb: :ddb: :ddb: :ddb:

Happy New Year

Cheers  :beer:


Nicely put Eric!  :clap:

Nowt more to add.......  :thumbup:

David D

Very well put Eric
Life is to short for falling out
Lets have fun and enjoy ourselves here



--- Quote from: Divided he ad on December 30, 2009, 08:22:12 PM ---
.............. filling it with all these models, cars, bikes, helicopters, boats, electronics, pictures and paper work.... 

--- End quote ---


I don't know about you, but I really enjoyed reading about the robots too. :wave:



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