The Craftmans Shop > Model Engineering

1925 Case 65 hp. traction engine (small version)

<< < (2/3) > >>

I haven't even a dime to my name  :(  so I had to look it up. About 0.7", and scaling from that makes the entire model about 6" long. Wow!




Absolutely outstanding, superb piece of miniature engineering and machining. I tilt my hat to you sir.


Some things just make a grown man want to cry. .... :bow:  Excuse me while I go pee on my machines ...again.


OK Guys

Time to fess up.  :doh:  I just took for granted that it was a US quarter in the picture. Now upon closer inspection I can see that it is a US dime. Now I can see why some of the posts didn't make sense to me. I can't even blame it on drinking as I haven't had that many. I guess I will have to blame it on engaging keyboard before brain. :lol: :lol:

You win some, you loose some. :ddb: :ddb:

What I said in my first post but double it at least. :wave: :wave:

Cheers  :beer:


A dime is a tad under 18mm for those of us that don't see one on a regular basis.

That said, the model is amazing in it's detail.
George, how long does it take you to make something like this?


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