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Christmas gifts for my grandson

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I try to make birthday & Christmas gifts for my grandson in the shop so he will grow up with at least some knowledge of craftsmanship and making things.  When he comes over, the 1st place he wants to go is to my shop so he can drill holes in scrapwood, pound nails into soft pine & saw up small scraps with my little Exacto saw.  He loves it so I think there's hope for him!

This year I made him a little slide whistle from Walter Yetman's article in the Oct/Nov issue of Machinist Workshop magazine. I made it an inch longer than the plans and changed the slide handle shape a bit. To add a personal touch, I engraved a nameplate on my little CNC router and soldered it on. It whistles with very little effort and has a full octave range.  My wife thought it was very cool when I was testing it by doing wolf whistles over & over.  She kept saying "Thank you dear" over & over.

I also made a nifty case for it out of an old Cross pen box I hung onto.  You never know what you'll end up doing with stuff!  I engraved some .015" brass plate and polished it up on the buffer I made from an old pool pump motor.

For Christmas last year I made him this pop gun.  His Mom REALLY like that one.  It shoots one of those synthetic wine corks with unbelievable energy.

Very nice Dickeybird.

I'm sure he'll remember these presents well into the future.

More grandpa's should be showing there grandson's what can be done in the shop to entertain them.  :mmr:

And a couple of  :ddb:  :ddb:  :ddb:  :ddb: for your effort.

Merry Christmas


First Class  :bow:

As Bernd rightly says, we need to pass on the knowledge and the skills as you are demonstrating DB  :thumbup:


Great !!!!!1111 Well done sir those pieces will stay with him for life.  Enjoy your Christmas.

Divided he ad:
Hey Milton :wave:

Now there are some top gifts  :thumbup:  What a pair of corkers!! (Oops... pun!)

I know I'd have had to tie the cork to the gun..... Else my sister would be throttling my nephew within minutes   :lol:

Then again.... I'd probably have to build a silencer for the whistle too!  :)

Thanks for sharing those.... Stored for next time I need gift ideas  :thumbup:



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