The Shop > Our Shop

My metal shop (video)


Gentlemen, I have seen pictures of people's lathes and mills but not many shop walk throughs on video so I thought I would make one. This is my little corner of the basement. When we moved in I took the small corner between the steps and the outside wall, framed it, wired it and made my new shop. It's not huge but it has worked so far. The Logan and the mill had to be dismantled to get them down there and I'll let the next guy worry about getting them out.

Powder Keg:
Thanks for sharing that George. I like the depth gauge on your lathe's tailstock. I might have to rig up one of those.


Thanks for showing us the video George. Looks like a nice setup and a nice place to spend those cold winter  days that are coming.  :ddb: :ddb:

Cheers  :beer:


Very nice walk through of your shop. It felt like I was there.  :thumbup:

I have a Bridgeport in the basement and I feel the same way. Let the next guy worry on how to get it out.  :lol:


Divided he ad:
Nice 'shop George  :dremel:

Very tidy!!   I feel a walk through my 'shop would end in disaster as I tripped over something and fell into a machine while trying to keep the camera steady  :lol:

That said, I could do a pirouette and show you my entire shop I suppose..... Still need to tidy it first, and brush up on my vocal skills!! (don't do much any talking on films)   ::)

Totally  :offtopic: I'm liking the new engine..... Very neat, from bar stock?  (saw some of your older works when I used to visit HMEM)

Very nice to see  :thumbup:



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