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N.A.M.E.S. 2010 Exposition April 24-25

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Here is the flyer and the latest info for NAMES 2010 Expo. Please Not that the location and the dates are changed. It is a week earlier than it has been in years past. I will post any update when I get them. And yes there will be another change in the venue location in 2011 Novi Michigan is the location.

Now that the Fever has subsided for another year, and from the photo's on other forums it sure looks like it was a great show. It heading for the N A M E S Expo in April. Remember the show has moved back to Michigan this year.

Here is the Hotel/Motel list for the area around the NAMES location.

We started to install the piping for the air manifold system in the area. Yesterday, as somebody in the last couple of years had removed most of the piping. But it will be back in for the show. We will be using the east arena known as arena 'B'. and the meeting room near the dining/food service area to the east.

Sounds like we will have a full list of vendors as the booths and tables are all spoken for.

When calling about the rooms.

Remember to ask for the NAMES room Rate

Here is some more information and changes that might be of interest to those thinking of attending.

There will be a space as in the past for static display of large scale outdoor RR equipment. And the large scale tractors inside. Due to space limitations there will not be either an oval or straight section of track inside the arena area for running.

There is some thing being worked out about the local track and shuttle buses to and from the arena, Details as soon as they are available.

Seminar list should be available soon.

There are no Vendor Tables Available for this years (2010 Show) By city ordnance,there is no selling from trailer,trunk,car or free standing outdoors set ups. The city said it will be enforced!

Friday is set up day for exhibitors. Setup time is 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Friday.

This I hope is a clarification of the previous information.

There are NO MORE VENDOR tables for rent at THIS YEAR SHOW 2010

There are over 120 tables including Booth tables that have been Rented for this year.

Also please read the following:

You can not sell from the exhibitor tables, And to clarify some statements e mailed to me. "NO" as far as I have been able to find "NO ONE" has ever been given permission to sell from the exhibitor tables at any time in the past. They are for display only. We have removed people in the last couple of years that have broken that rule.

This year due to space N.A.M.E.S. as a group, was not going to have a sales table for exhibitors as in past years.

But either the group or the guy that has run the exhibitors sales tables the last couple years. Has rented some vendor tables and is planning to let people sell items on the tables on a commission basis.
I have no other information on it. I also don't know if it is just him or the group he is with doing it. A live steam RR group out of Ohio.

Bottom line is if you sell it you better be on a VENDORS tables. And people have tried being sneaky about it. They don't get away with it much. As the other exhibitors, vendors and customers let us know!

The only other set in stone selling rule is NO Knives, Guns are allowed with open access on the tables or for sale.

By city ordnance,there is no selling from trailer,trunk,car or free standing outdoors set ups. The city said it will be enforced!


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