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--- Quote ---Every picture I now have is not only on photobucket, but in two seperate files on different drives on my computer.

--- End quote ---

I do the same thing too, Bogs, but, in addition, every three months I copy the picture folder (along with a couple of other critical folders) to a DVD.  Once a new DVD is burned, the previous one is secreted away in a location physically removed from the desktop computer.

While this may sound like paranoid overkill, we've been the victims of burglary twice and, while the computer has never been taken, there's always the possibility it will next time.  Beyond that, there's also the possibility of a power surge that could, conceivably, take out both drives at the same time.  DVDs are dirt cheap now and one every three months isn't going to break the bank account.


I have no issues with your pics. You post them the way I think they all ought to be posted. Some members both here and HMEM post through one of the photo services but it takes you to there site to see the pictures. Can't come up with an example right now, but I'm sure you get the idea. Once your on the photo services site to look at the pics you need to wait for it load all thier adverts. Then a window opens up right on top of the pic or vid your looking at, even if you have a pop up blocker on. If you can't find the little "x" that closes the window your stuck searching for a way to close it. That's what I mean about their services.

As I've stated. I've always up loaded my pictures from my web site. I've never used a web site photo service to host my pictures and never will. I run all my pics through a photo software package to make sure the pics will be veiwable on the forums.

And remember nothing is ever free.

Now here's one thing I don't understand. When I signed up for the internet back when I got my first computer the phone company provided space for me to build a web site as part of the package for internet service. I'm sure it's limited to how big and bandwidth. So my question is dosen't everybody that signs up with a service provider get a place for a web site?

I'm getting  :offtopic: here.

I've never had any of that Bernd, and I use both IE7 and Firefox browsers. But one thing I do have is a great security package that stops all those popups and the latest thing with IE, loads of error messages.

If I don't need or want it, Avast stops the lot, without even asking for it to be done. It makes surfing a dream. I actually use the pay for edition, but if you think it might help, you can download a free version.



Thanks John. I'll look into it. I also run IE7.


Hi Guys

I run a small hosting reseller company on the side, have got a few small customers to help pay the hosting, which means that I get the rest of the server for almost free, I have about 20Gb bandwidth spare each month and quite a bit of space.  I would be more than happy to set something up so that anyone can upload pics & link to them, all free of course, no catches.

The server has been there for 5 years and ain't going anywhere soon.

If interested let me know.  I would still advise to keep local backups however, just for your own peace of mind



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