Gallery, Projects and General > How do I??

How do I get the old oil out of the headstock?

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John Hill:

--- Quote from: AdeV on November 16, 2009, 06:28:59 PM ---

I'm not sure where the mangled one's gone (it's on the bench somewhere), but it looked like it had been eaten by a giant metal rat... so I'm assuming (with the appropriate caveats) that it's responsible for damaging the gears.

--- End quote ---

I rather carelessly dropped a little screw into my apron gear box and were it not for the certain knowledge it was in there I would never have found it as I drained and flushed and peered with no sign of it, then I took the apron gear box off and gave it a shake to find the little rascal.  I suppose it was rather fortunate as while on that task I found the grub screw that hold the cross feed pinion was loose and ready to follow the example of yours.. ::)


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