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CAD and CNC on Linux.


Are any of you folk using Qcad and Emc2 software on a linux system.
If so I would be pleased to swap info.
Many thanks.
I have been using Linux for 10 years or so but only recent looked into the engineering software available.
I have been impressed and given time hope to use it all the time.
Qcad seems straight forward, but I have to finish the CNC conversion first on a fellow club members Mill then my own before we can fully test the software Emc2.
All thoughts and ideas welcome.
But if it is Windoze related forget it I gave up pulling my hair out years ago when I went bald. :)  :lol:


--- Quote from: trevatxtal on November 11, 2009, 11:06:56 AM ---
But if it is Windoze related forget it I gave up pulling my hair out years ago when I when bald. :)  :lol:

--- End quote ---

Funny how we all differ, I'd be thinking exactly the opposite  :coffee:

Can't help.... but I am planning on using Emc2 when I finish my mill.



I tend to use both Mach3 and EMC, not been using EMC that long, can be difficult to get going (unless you run the live CD) but it appears fairly feature packed.

Im not a big fan of paying for 0's & 1's so EMC is a firly good option.  I have yet to find any Cad/Cam software under linux that I like tho, I currently use Artcam but also playing wth Solidworks.


I use EMC2 on my mill/plasma cutter. So far I have been doing mostly 2d plasma cuts, the program is fully featured and relatively easy to set up. I haven't done anything with Qcad but I think it is installed on my Ubuntu linux unit. I will take a look at it. I am definitely interested is swapping ideas.


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