The Breakroom > The Water Cooler
Metal Detecting??
Sky King:
Anyone into metal detecting???? I am looking for something for me and the G'kids to play around with at an old gold mining site. Hoping to find tools and such. Don't need anything fancy as I am sure the "urge" won't last long with 8 & 13 year olds. I see a lot on flea-bay around $90 but don't know if they are just junk.
Its been a while like years, but White was the name back in the day. They have come a long way with the electronics, but it still takes a pretty good ear to figure out what the beeps etc are. Look around they use to rent them out. The cheaper ones were a load of crap as they wouldn't tell a bottle cap/pop tab from a penny. If you are rooting around an old mine, watch out for overgrown ventilation openings /holes and wood planks on the ground covering them. Number on hazard on hunting around mines, read a story of a guy that knew better he worked for the state marking the old mines and openings. walked on top of one it collapsed and he fell 30 feet and broke some bones was in the hole 3 days before they found him and pulled him out.
Hit one of the larger big box book style store for the magazines and look thru them. Buying one with out hands on will be a crap shoot.
Sky King:
Thanks, I found a fellow locally that has a Fisher(sp) for sale at a decent price. This mine is a placer mine,,no holes.. Good advice tho!!
Fisher was the other big name in the game so you should be ok good luck!
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