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Machining problem


I have just been surfing over on HMEM and noticed someone has a problem.

I thought I would bring up an issue that just might be the cause of his problem.

I keep going on about getting your tramming correct on your mill, as if it is a fair way out, it can cause the problem that I have shown on the C-o-C at the bottom of this post.

It works both ways, either the leading or trailing edge of the cutter can produce a scalloped effect across your job.

Your tram only has to be a small amount out for this effect to be seen.


Yep, I spotted that the first time my mill head "fell out of tram". What surprised me is just how quickly - and how far - out it went. And I thought I had a nice rigid machine in the Bridgeport...

Lesson learned -  I now check my tram much more regularly, although today I managed to produce a rectangular block that was accurate to within less than 0.001" on all sides, which I was chuffed about. Shame it's not something more useful than just a block....


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