The Shop > Our Shop

My place.

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Hello, my name's one_rod and I've got it pretty bad, really. Workshop addiction, that is.
As you can probably see from the photo's, forging, welding and anything  involving excessive heat, big hammers and sparks is fine by me.
I have a few machine tools, and endless respect for the people who know how to use them properly. However, "working to tenths" is not really for me.

"Get it hot and hit it hard" seems to work....... :headbang:

Anyway here's some pics. of my place.

The "hot work" area. Welding table on the left, coke forge and anvil centre, mechanical hacksaw and metal storage on the right.
Bad walls, terrible floor, leaky roof.
No heating, poor ventilation, no daylight.
Apart from that it's ok.

Milling machine and pillar drill.

Lathe, belt grinder, band saw.

You can never have too many anvils.



--- Quote from: one_rod on October 15, 2009, 06:23:13 PM ---I've got it pretty bad, really. Workshop addiction, that is.
--- End quote ---

Then you'll fit in just fine ............. welcome aboard  :thumbup: ............... nice shop btw  :beer:



Welcome to MadModder one_rod. Always nice to have an anvil, a big hammer and a bit of heat to help things along. Looks like you have it sorted out pretty good. Thanks for showing us the pictures of you shop. Next thing you will have to worry about is catching  :proj:, it seems to happen to everyone.

Cheers  :beer:


Hi One Rod

Welcome aboard the cube  :borg:. Nice shop interesting mixture of kit, Blacksmithing is real skill, when you get setled you'l have to show us some pics of what you've made  :worthless:



Hi there and welcome to the cube  :wave: :borg:

You sound like you will fit right in here, the only thing we ask is that you show us your work/projects  :worthless:



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