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Being sort of between projects means I have time to try some of the strange ideas that come to me when I'm too busy with a build to stop. This little experiment was one such idea that kept bobbing to the top of the heap, so last evening I decided to give it free reign.

I'm about to begin Jerry Howells, "Miser" but want to change the look so that it's not like every other Miser one sees. Since the changes one can make are basically cosmetic and limited to areas like the column, the connecting rod and the smaller cylinders associated with the pistons.... Those are the places I'm looking to alter a bit.

Here is the result of my first attempt at a spiral fluted section which will likely become part of the main column. It consists of 10 pieces of .091 brass rod I had laying about. once twisted they were then soldered to make it all nice and rigid. The ends are simply something whipped out to give the column appearance.


A very nice effect Steve, and if there is just one column then I would think it would look great.

I tried all sorts when I was attempting to make the twisted columns for my mine engine. The fabricated ones like yours looked great, but it was very difficult to replicate them exactly the same when I needed four. I ended up turning them out of the solid.

When I go down the scrapyard, you can get as much of that effect by looking at the heavy duty cabling, which is of course machine twisted and perfectly uniform. Unfortunately it is in the wrong material, copper instead of brass or ali.

But I am sure you could come up with something.


Nice twist on an Ionic greek column.  :thumbup:


--- Quote from: bogstandard on October 10, 2009, 12:07:01 PM ---The fabricated ones like yours looked great, but it was very difficult to replicate them exactly the same when I needed four.
--- End quote ---

As this one is soldered down it's length, would it be possible to make a much longer length of it and then after soldering it you could cut it into 4 to make 4 that are almost exactly the same? I guess it would depend on whether you can make a consistant length that is long enough.

--- Quote ---When I go down the scrapyard, you can get as much of that effect by looking at the heavy duty cabling, which is of course machine twisted and perfectly uniform. Unfortunately it is in the wrong material, copper instead of brass or ali.

--- End quote ---

I suppose you could plate it, copper is a good base for plating onto, caswell do plenty of plating kits that look interesting, might be worth a thought.



I tried twisting some square bar to get a barley twist effect, as seen on Victorian machines and engines (I have since found out that you can buy it ready made), but the problem was getting it to form a uniform spiral over the 12" I required because it had to be done while heat was applied, and it is very difficult to achieve that state with just one and a half hands.

The pic below was my effort, done by screwcutting, it looked OK, but not really what I had in mind.

I am sure Steve will come up with some novel little regime that can turn out yards of the stuff.



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