Ok now for the spindle pulley.
So that everything will run concentric, I turned a mandrel that is a nice fit on the bore of the pulley.

Bolted the blank pulley to it.

Then moved the chuck with everything still in place over to the RT and milled the belt grooves as before.

Here's a little tip:- Keys set into shafts can be a bit of a bitch to get hold of to remove, put a little groove in one end of the key so you can prise it out with a small screw driver.

Next job cut some plate out for the base. I'm using some ally jig plate I picked up from the scrappy.
Find a bit of plate that doesn't have an existing hole in a strategic position.

Then with a jig saw with a metal cutting blade and with some help from WD 40 cut the bits out, if any one asks what the extra holes are for I'll tell them its to keep the weight down. 0

Ok first job with the bits of plate is to clean the burrs off as well as I can.
Then set a parallel up square on the mill table.

And with the best edge hard up against the parallel clean up one edge, then with this cleaned edge up against the parallel clean the next edge up etc etc until all all four edges have been cleaned up are are square with each other, its easyer to start with things square than to try and get them square later.

This is the plate cleaned and squared up, the smaller piece will make the grinding spindle mountings.

And as its always nice to see how things are looking this will give you an idea of how the finished job will look.

Ok thats it for know the Grand prix is on the box the family have bets on which lap I'll fall sleep on, my record is the warmup lap.
