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my second engine

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--- Quote ---grandkids would probably get a kick out of it.
--- End quote ---


Are you joking or what?
Over the age of six or seven, if it ain't got a screen, a hand controller, pumps out 200 decibels and costs a squillion bucks, they won't even be bothered to turn their heads. Unless of course it smells like MacDonalds or Kentucky fried, then they will ask you to put it on a tray and bring it to them, as they are too busy to get up.

Nice classic wobbler BTW.



Your right on what your saying. Probably what they will get a kick out of is the fact that something so mundane could keep a kid amused. They will probably be thinking that I had a pretty boring life if all it took was a few bits of brown stuff wood and wire to amuse me. Funny how times change!  :lol: :lol:




--- Quote from: bogstandard on October 03, 2009, 08:25:22 PM ---


Are you joking or what?
Over the age of six or seven, if it ain't got a screen, a hand controller, pumps out 200 decibels and costs a squillion bucks, they won't even be bothered to turn their heads. Unless of course it smells like MacDonalds or Kentucky fried, then they will ask you to put it on a tray and bring it to them, as they are too busy to get up.

Nice classic wobbler BTW.


--- End quote ---

Bogs.... that is why I am hoping to raise my youngest different than how my ex is raising my oldest... I hope o instill things in him my dad did in me.

Chuck... Very cool to find you 2nd engine.


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