The Shop > Wood & Stuff
Bent Lamp
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I had a request for pics of some of the other hobby work. I copied this from a David Marks DIY program. I had to build the forms before I could start of the lamp. One of the few things I kept for myself. This is the dogs favorite place when not guarding the shop while I work.

Gerhard Olivier:
That is a very nice design.  What wood is it???

Ooooh...... That`s nice!  :bugeye:

Almost human/ animal in form. Beautifull!  :clap:

David D

--- Quote from: Stilldrillin on September 24, 2009, 12:17:25 PM ---Ooooh...... That`s nice!  :bugeye:

Almost human/ animal in form. Beautifull!  :clap:

David D

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Thanks David. The wood is Ash. 24 thin slices resin glued together in a form.

--- Quote from: geroli on September 24, 2009, 12:13:50 PM ---That is a very nice design.  What wood is it???


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Thank you. I can't take credit for the design. David Marks put the plans on and I copied them. The wood is Ash.
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