The Shop > Electronics & IC Programing

help me yoda(s)... does anyone know a source for this electronic widget?

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It's just a pre-set version with a SP switch probably, a quick poke with a meter will tell if there's any connection from track to 'soldering lugs'.

There are pots with a 'ratchet' action, but they're just ordinary pots with a widget inside that gives the effect. (I'm trying to do 3 things at once, should have read the post more closely  :( )

The pic seems to have a s/driver slot, just cut the shaft, an' slot it.
Or it may be a 'tamperproof'  :D which is a circular depression with a 'bar' across it. I've got trimming tools that fit that sort. Pic a bit indistinct.

Hard to tell for sure, some times the kit has to be modded a bit to replace some freakish but once common, but now unobtainable part.

Had to do it lots of times ..




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