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Welding cast iron - machine broken in transit

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Now we can see the problem, I will now tell you adhesive will not work. Because of the rough faces being bolted together, there would be just too much stress put on the joint for it to hold.

That really is a bronze welding job. Unfortunately I don't have the equipment any more, but if you could approach a training college, I did my two years of advanced welding at Shrewsbury Tech College (if it is still there), not too far from where you live. I am sure they could fit you in on an evening class and do the job for you, giving the pupils a bit of practice. Would be very cheap as well.

Otherwise you would have to find a workshop which has the oxy/acet facilities to get the job done. It could be stick welded, but it would again mean finding a specialist to do it for you.

Sorry I can't be of any more help.



Will do some scannin' n snippin' for you.

I'll also look for some in 'Stationary Engine' mag.

Probably some in there, SE afflictionados usually get cracked castings.

Have to go out now, so will be circa 6PM

Dave BC

kellswaterri: - -

Just some of many sites giving details of ''cold weld'' techniques for repairing breaks in cast iron, as to whether it is as popular now as it was 30 odd years ago remains to be seen...then whilst on holiday in southern Ireland a cast iron gear in our hosts reaper broke in two and he was in a real tizzy as to how to get his harvest in, I asked him to find an electric welding rig and some ''cold weld rods for cast iron which he duly found, after giving the broken gear a good chamfer and clean up I welded it together, tidied it up and it was reinstalled in the reaper...he got his harvest in and I got 50% off my holiday costs.

John Hill:
Ray,  I really do not know how much casting costs but it might be worth taking those pieces to a foundry for an opinion.  It seems to me that the dimensions are not critical (thinking of shrinkage etc) and there is only one machined surface.

However, if it was mine and I was looking for a practical fix rather than a perfect restoration I would drill two holes in a piece of rectangular bar, find some longer bolts and put it over the two pieces to clamp it all up tight, but then I am somewhat of a 'bodger'. ::)

John Stevenson:
I can weld that no problems.

John S.


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