The Shop > Tools

More retail therapy

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Hacking about on ebay the other day I came across a bit of kit I had been after for a long time. A very good quality mechanical tacho.

I have had an electronic one for a long time, but they are sometimes very limited. Sticking relectors on shafts and being given false readings under flouro lights to name a couple.

This was a Smiths 'Venture' set, hardly ever used and had been recalibrated earlier this year, good for 50K RPM. Cost 21 squid.

While I was making the bid, I had a look at what else he had to offer. So I put a very low bid (minimum) on a lump of 4" X 2" graphite block and a 1ft length of 1" ali bar. I won the lot. Everything for 29 squid including overnight carrier delivery (6 squid).

A very good find methinks.


Yes, a very good find John.

But sadly it's also why we are finding less and less on Ebay these stuff, sure plenty of that. Old diamonds, very little of those about any more.


I think a lot of it is to do with people wanting to make a quick buck.

A woman around the corner from me buys stuff off ebay, then puts it up again for sale straight away at a much higher price.

Unlike someone like myself, who wants to use the equipment, and give it a good home.

That is how you get a seller with a load of bras and pants for sale, also selling the odd item of technical stuff.

Before I buy anything, I always look to see what else they are offering. If it ain't technically orientated, they know nothing about what they have, so it could be any old junk, and I avoid them like the plague, unless of course there is a very good photo and description, and you can see it is OK, then you can get yourself a bargain because again, they know not what they have.
So it is definitely buyer beware.


Nothing wrong with making a quick buck John. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to find hardly anything of interest.
I don't care who's selling. If it's what I want in the condition I want it then I buy it if the price is reflective.

BS .......... you obviously realise we all hate you now  :(

Jammy sod  :beer:



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