The Shop > Finishing

Rust Removal

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Dave that reminds me, I used to use Caustic Soda mixed with water and wallpaper paste to strip paint of woodwork, doors and such.

Make the goey mixture up, cover the door etc and then cover with wet towels and such. Caustic works 100 times better if it's warm. So if you can put the doors outside on a sunny day the results will be amaizing. You have to keep it wet though by sprinkling with a hose now and again.

Glad to hear this de-rusting lark can be done in a similar fashion.

You might want to tell everyone why you use the headlamp bulb....just in case someone tries this without it..... :thumbup:

It should only remove the rust and not touch the base metal. Only try this with steel or iron or you may have a little irreversible disaster on your hands.
That's unless you want to destroy alloy like in Daves files.....good tip.... :thumbup:

Johnny,  as far as I know, it is non-aggressive. I have certainly left stuff in for several days, all it does is gets the rust off.

It does get into pits, and cleans 'em out.

I usually scrub the bit off with detergent, dry it, then slap some 'Bondaprimer' on it.

Some steel I did several years ago is still rust free.

Dave BC


I was first shown this  method about 40 yrs. ago by a guy who was a 'conservator', used to tart up stuff for museums.

The first occasions I did it was with a Davenset Charger, mit selenium rectifier thingy.

He told me to use a limiter, so I always have. I presume 'cos ham-fisted varmints like myself cannot be trusted to assemble the contraption without shorting the thing out. No benign current limiters in those days ... just popped fuses. Or poisonous rectifiers gaily blazing away. ...
Ah, happy days of long departed youth ...

I suppose I could stick one together, and meter it. Or just assume the geezer knew why even if I don't ..

Dave BC

Being a cheapskate I've tried ordinary garage floor paint on metalwork with some surprisingly good results. Even painted onto firm rust it seems to hold fast for many years.

It's what will be going on this pillar drill....... :dremel:


It is a bit far back in the post now, and I wasn't trying to detract from your post, far from it.

But for people that don't have the facilities you have, mine was an easy, although expensive second option, and they should also be given the chance to be considered, rather than just being thrown to one side, with very derogatory comments, as though everyone should go out and equip themselves to do it your way.

As I said, we don't all have the bits and bobs plus space to do it like you do. It might seem normal to you to have barrels and power supplies laying about, but to a lot of us, it isn't.

But sometimes, we need to get rid of rust as well.

Because of that, what I suggested is the way I would go, if I had rust to get rid of.



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