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Splitting an outer CV joint

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--- Quote from: Divided he ad on August 22, 2009, 08:12:30 PM ---
You're right too Darren, that is a crappy design. I have to say IMHO your garage isn't doing it's job right.... I'd have spent time sussing that fault out to a similar conclusion to yours! I never like to change something unless I know why I'm changing it and whether it could be fixed for less £!

Still looks like a hell of a gap though!!  :lol:   But it'll definitely work as a clamp now  :thumbup:

Have you by-passed the brake wear indicators too?

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Three different garages Ralph, when one ****** you off you tend to find another.......then do it properly yourself..

Yeah, the gap look large dunit, I'll try just two blades on the other side, but it's mostly camera perspective as that part is nearer the camera than the rest...

Now then, this bypassing, is this why my warning light is on but all my pads look fine......


--- Quote from: Darren on August 23, 2009, 06:05:43 AM ---.. :lol:....even so...all four.... :doh: .... :poke: 
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Was rather embarrassing ............ and expensive, it also broke the front locking diff  :(


Divided he ad:

--- Quote ---Not really the right name for it though is it...... :poke:
--- End quote ---
  It was probably the landying bit that did the damage!!  :lol: .... Sorry CC, just ribbin' ya  :poke:

--- Quote ---Now then, this bypassing, is this why my warning light is on but all my pads look fine......
--- End quote ---
I just read that and then thought.... The light comes on when the wires connect together on the surface of the brake disc.... So that bypass is probably actually a permanent  closed circuit?  :scratch:  But there is an odd memory of a closed loop circuit that once broken needs re-setting using computers?? It's been a while.....

Maybe try it with them removed?.... Just a thought, that light may also be connected to the brake fluid level warning, best make sure all parts are as should be before testing!  :zap:

If all else fails give me the model etc in a PM and I'll look into it   :)    (still got 2 mates who own garages and 3 more who work in them  :thumbup: )

I know what you mean about the garages chief, they'll all progressively get worse I fear, there are not enough old boys still in the trade. not enough "mechanics" left.... Now mostly fitters who have limited knowledge on very few models and lack of experience to work out the models they have not met before.....
Obviously I'm going to be one of those "it was different in my day" kind of guys soon!! (or maybe already!!)

A bit of research will help you on your way with many things..... I had to ask CC about Diff' types on the landy's the other month.... It'd been more than 10 years since I worked in the landy business! It always helps when you know someone who breaks them regularly :lol:  (Oh, I just couldn't help it!.... I know it's expensive and painful)

Well, we shall see how you get on with the brake light?




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