The Shop > Electronics & IC Programing

First i.c. ??

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chuck foster:
very interesting tube .......... or should i say valve  :scratch:

i used to repair old radios and guitar amps, the radio voltages were no big deal but the guitar amps were scary!!

i worked on a bass amp for a guy and the output tubes were #6550...........i think there were 8 of them and they ran 750 plate volts.
and 750 volts hurts like  :zap: well you know.

just some of my ramblings for night.

chuck :wave:

John Swift:
Hi Dave

 Radio Spares or RS Components as the call them selves now
stock a 3.5w multitapped output transformer 210-6475 if you decide to build some thing with
the ecll800 valves , some people have experimented with  ht voltages of only 20v to 45v  

the picture of the ecll800 reminded me of an early operational valve amplifier
If i remember correctly at one time  grundig sold radios as kit to avoid the taxes

the kit was infact a ready made radio without the valves fitted !


Hi John

Long since gone to the tip. I think I took them the next day. As posted, I've no idea if they were OK. Just got a bit nostalgic ...

That Op-Amp looks interesting.

Some stuff I worked on when I first started work had valve Op_Amps, they were ECC81 or 12AT7's rather than ECC82.
Them and the damn great 6080 double triodes .. used to drive differential relays .. I think that's what they were called ..

The ones that are On - Off - On, rather than On - On, as per a normal C/O relay

Days long gone ...

Dave BC


Dave, the adverts in your link to the Loewe valve showed they could be sent in for repair as long as the glass was intact. Not a service offered by IC manufacturers today. That said, not many modern ICs cost half a week's wages!


Hi Andy

Right! Pity they don't fix things like they used to do.

I've got a duff BC108 here could benefit from being rebuilt ...  :scratch:

Dave BC


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