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Anodizing with Weston Bye

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John Stevenson:
I'd love to have ago at some of this stuff but I'm just envious of the room.

Lets face it if you have the room to stand that glass jar I can get another mill in there   :thumbup:

John S.

Weston Bye:
Regarding the room for anodizing:  Don't do it in your shop, or at least provide plenty of ventilation.  Fumes are generated that rust steel and though you can't smell them, you notice if you inhale them.  We had this party just inside the open garage doors and had a fan going.  The jar and power supply were placed on a roll-around cart.

I'm glad you said that...!!!...... :thumbup:

John we are very lucky to have the spaces we do here and am thankful to have it.  Thanks for the kind words everyone, I am glad I could share the story.


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