Gallery, Projects and General > Neat Stuff

Not really an engine

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Another hard day at work:

This is for a demo. 

That`s great Dave! :clap:

Reminds me of my Chemist son, making his concoctions..... Including black powder!   :bugeye:

But, what are gummy bears?  :scratch:

David D

Dave, we call it Screaming Jelly Baby's over here - "Jelly Baby's" are the sweets we use. 

I have done this a fair number of times and I always just do it with a clamp and stand. Will have to consider putting it on a bearing and doing two opposite each other!!

I have a couple of chemistry related videos that my students put together for me over on my youtube channel. Sorry about the music selection!!

Have you ever tried to introduce any other engine related projects or activities? I have been thinking about Stirling engines under the topic of "energy resources" but that is lower school and I think tin can stirling would only be suitable for older higher ability. I have just finished making a tin can Stirling to see how it works and have managed to get a runner but it has taken time!

Thanks for your post.



I moved it to 'neat stuff' and out of backyard ballistics... this is more like a jet engine type of thing :)


awesome, now I know why my 3 year old goes absolutely loopy after only a few of them!


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