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Flywheels without a rotary table - any examples

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I would do it by careful marking out, followed by drilling and filing. Just like the old boys used to do when the most equipment the amateur had was a small lathe and maybe a drill stand. Which is pretty much what I've got as well.....

Unless the Machinery Fairy decides to drop in and leave me something.  ::)


--- Quote from: Andy on August 10, 2009, 11:18:43 AM ---I would do it by careful marking out, followed by drilling and filing. Just like the old boys used to do when the most equipment the amateur had was a small lathe and maybe a drill stand. Which is pretty much what I've got as well.....

Unless the Machinery Fairy decides to drop in and leave me something.  ::)

--- End quote ---

lol, I`ll have to keep my eyes open for the machinery fairy!! - must be a strong little thing.

Thanks for the useful post Andy. I may give it a go, I think perhaps I am too limited by how others do things rather than giving things ago using my own ideas with the equipment I have to hand.


mklotz has some good software... never used his flywheel one, but you will find it HERE Scrool down the page



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