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Restoring an Old Wobbler - bling ideas welcome!

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John Hill:
Steam ports, pivot pin is hollow? :scratch:

Ports are there, hard to see but visible in the disassembled pic.  Last pic is of the back of the base.


--- Quote from: rleete on August 04, 2009, 06:07:38 PM ---Ports are there, hard to see but visible in the disassembled pic.  Last pic is of the back of the base.

--- End quote ---


Found `em now!  ::)

David D

Hi Guys

Yes, ports are on the other side of the frame than from the angle pictured above - you can just make them out on the disassembled pic. The cylinder had been bored right the way through and then capped, the four screws are holding the end cap on. Hope that helps...

Anyone any comments regarding the patina that Darren seemed rather concerned that I had recklessy removed!

Also anyone any ideas how I could mod or develop this little engine further? - seems a bit too simple just cleaning and putting it all back together and I would like to do some "work" on it. Bling it up, convert to twin cylinder...ideas ...?


For a start you could replace those horable slotted screws with studs a acorn nuts.



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