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Eye protection,dont let your guard down!

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Hi Danny

Glad your OK,

To damage your eyesight is not a good idea.

I had a accident playing sport that could have resulted in permanent damage to an eye, I was in Hospital for a week, luckily I got away with it with no permanent damage: but some of the Chaps I was in Hospital with weren't so lucky.

I always wear safety glasses, your eyesight is a very prescious gift.

Have fun (with care)


Superglue is also one thing, that should be handled with care. Especially liquid one.

Once I was gluing loosened fret on a guitar, and when pushing the fret firmly to its place, superglue squirted right to my eyes.

But luckily enough, I had 'accidentally' forgotten the safety glasses on.

Since then, I have never used superglue without safety glasses.

very ture, i got a tiny piece of carbide go through the front of my eye at work, i had to have 4 months off and 5 operations (3 under a LOCAL anesthetic).

never ever take a chance with your sight.

my eye is ok now, but first thing i do in my shed is put my glasses on


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