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Mini surface grinder

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You know, I think this would be a great little addition to any workshop. I think this might just go on the "Projects" list  :coffee:

Thanks for posting this, now if someone could post up some info on how to compress time so that I might have even the slightest chance of building a fraction of the things on my "Projects" list, I'd be eternally grateful  :bang:


I wouldn't mind helping out, but at the moment, I have six weeks to get six engines finished, and I DAREN'T be sidetracked.



--- Quote from: bogstandard on July 31, 2009, 03:56:45 PM ---I wouldn't mind helping out, but at the moment, I have six weeks to get six engines finished, and I DAREN'T be sidetracked.

--- End quote ---

Six engines?? In six weeks? You must be.. maybe not an engine, but machine?

A bit  :offtopic: , but no, five of the engines use many common parts, so it is more of a production exercise, 15 cylinders etc.

You will see the start of the post sometime over the weekend.

Just getting all the bits together.


John Hill:
Please excuse the ignorance of this former sheep shearer from Dunnunder but just what are the basic principles and characteristics of a surface grinder?

If they are what I think they are I just might make one in an idle moment or two.


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