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Graphite levitation

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Very interesting. I bet kids would get a big kick out of that. A bit of black magic if you could hide the magnets. :)

Thanks for posting that. I always thought you needed super cooled material to do that.


Sorry about going off topic there Dave, I just couldn't help myself.

Getting back to the magnet things.

I would never have thought that with graphite, maybe it is because of that type of graphite being in layers, I suppose it must have some sort of polarity of it's own.

Ever since these neodoodah magnets have come onto the mass market scene, modellers are really filling up their boots with new ways of putting them to use.
I'm pretty sure some amazing engines will become known in the not too distant future. When guys get their heads around the properities of them, and how they can be used to produce motion, and most probably not just rotary.



Funny you should mention the engine connection with magnets. Back in the Spring 1980 issue of Science & Mechanics Howard Johnson ( not of the hotel chains over here) had an article on using permanet magnets to make a 15 hp motor that was supposed to power a 5000W generator.

Not much was heard about that after the article was written. Then several years ago on some forum I saw talk about him and his motor. Several people had tried to contact him but no sucess. Seemed like he had dissapeared off the face of the earth. Makes you wonder if he really had something there or not. Ofcourse this was during one of the gas crisis created by the oil companies.



This post has got my head spinning, but I daren't get sidetracked any longer, I have some important things to make.

So after they are out of the way, I might just go back and see if any of my ideas will work.


Sorry. I guess I can't take my own advise.  :offtopic:  :)



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