Home Base > Introductions

Hi all

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Quick background: I live in Victoria (southern OZ).

Interests include home renovating, tinkering in the shed.  Do a bit of Mig welding for personal and work purposes.

Work in a place that does canvas repairs and manufacturing.

Done a bit of toying around with electrical/electronics in the past.

Guess I just enjoy seeing how things work and how others have come up with solutions to various problems.

Hi Jatt,

--- Quote from: jatt on July 26, 2009, 04:53:39 AM ---Guess I just enjoy seeing how things work and how others have come up with solutions to various problems.

--- End quote ---

You'll do, it is always good to have have a problem solver on board.

Just walk on in and help out, ask questions, or start a topic, whatever takes your fancy.


Hi Jatt

Welcome aboard the cube  :borg: When you've got your selfe settled in just join in the fun but watch out for  :proj:

and if you do get it don't forget  :worthless:

Have fun


Welcome aboard Jatt, as the guys have said fell free to join in.


Hi Jatt,
Welcome to the collective!  :borg:

We`re a bit of a mixture......  :scratch:

But it takes all sorts, as they say......  :thumbup:

Don`t forget the pics...... We like pictures....  :wave:

David D


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