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Vintage toolbox/cabinet

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Mr blindbird:
Here's what i've done with an old cabinet i still had around;

This weekend i was looking around for a toolbox,you know,one of those on wheels with drawers and all....mighty expensive those things...
Then it came to me,i still had this cabinet somewhere stuffed away under a ton of dust,and i tought...lets make a special toolbox that doesnt cost that mutch and maybe even is an eyecatcher as well,after all...we are maad modders so why not mod this :headbang:
So i mounted a workboard on it,placed eeerm...well,that thing to hold stuff...o dear,please help me out,cant find the name of it :scratch:

I placed most of the tools in it but that doesnt realy look good and isnt that handy when you just need that one tool that's jammed all the way in the back ::)

Next thing on my list; making drawers to create more space and make it handyer to get to everything. :wave:

That thing to hold's called a vice....bench vice...because you mount it on a bench... :thumbup:

The cupboard sure is ugly, but looks like solid oak? I bet someone somewhere would have paid for that. In the right setting it would probably look very nice?

Maybe not..... :lol:

It's a good strong one anyway...make a good workbench.

I can't believe you used such a nice piece of furniture to mount a vise on.  :bugeye:

But, like you said it needed to be modded. Nice job, nice bench. Did you mount some wheels so you can roll it around?  :)

Very nice mod.  :thumbup:


By the looks of it, the cabinet is in fact most probably a Victorian machine carved one.

You can buy them at auctions for a pittance nowadays, so your turning it into a workbench is most probably the best thing that could have happened to it.

But who am I to say, it could be worth squillions, but you'll still end up with a good strong workbench.

Nice one.


Nicely done, Mr B!  :thumbup:

Blending the old with the new, and making it functional again....  :clap:

David D


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