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Mike K:
I registered back in March, but never took the time to introduce myself.

Hi, I'm Mike.

I got my mini-lathe and mini-mill about a year ago.  Wish I had done this years ago, as metalworking is a blast.  Mostly been using the lathe, though.  In fact, I had the mill sitting in pieces until yesterday.  I threw it all together to fix something for the lathe, which I had torn apart to clean and make a few mods.

Anyway, looks like a fun forum.  I really enjoyed John's thread on fixing Darren's lathe.  I'll be doing something along those lines before I finish putting the lathe back together.

Hope I can contribute once I get more machining time under my belt.


Welcome to the nuthouse.

Where are you located?

Hi Mike,

Welcome to the collective.  :borg:

I need to do a mod to my Grizzly to. So it's on the to do list.

When you do that lathe fix don't forget to take some pics and post them.


Mike K:
Pennsylvania here.  Nice fall-like weather too, lately.

My camera's charging as I speak.  It'll mostly be "after" pictures.


Welcome Mike,

I don't think you need to tell us what a blast metalworking is, we've all got the bug, or most of us have.

As long as you enjoy whittling bits of metal or reading about what we get up to on here, as there are plenty of other types of projects if you search about a bit, then you will be made welcome with open arms.

Just keep your happy boots on and enjoy yourself.



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