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First Time Milling!

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As Stefan had left the parts in my workshop, I was able to grab a couple of pics. I dont really know much about this particular mechinism, but I'm sure Stefan will chime in to explain all.

This is the original part, made up from 3 pieces that were most likely stamped out of sheet steel.

This  pic shows the newly sized and prepared steel block on the left (it's upside down, I forgot to allign it with the pivot hole at the bottom  :doh: ) and the original piece on the right.

The red circled area is shown is extreme close up now to show what the problem is with this part ( If I remember right from what Stefan told me  :scratch: )

And from the other side (and just to confuse matters from a different angle)

I think the problem lies in the poor manufacture of this part, the edges show in the 2 close-ups are not well defined, and I guess because it's made up of 3 pieces it makes it kinda hard/impossible to smooth out and crisping ( is that a word, if not I lay claim to inventing it ) it up so that there is a nice sharp edge to it.

I'm sure Stefan will explain it better ( and that would not be hard to do looking at my attempt at explaining something I know virtually nothing about  :lol: )


Well done, great stuff! Hope you've started saving the pennies to buy some tools!



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