The Shop > Tools

Metal shaper acting up, cured!

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John Hill:
My little 'Sally the shaper' is a dinky little machine which on a good day is a joy to play with as she clicks, whirrs and scritches through the job.

Last night she threw a little tantrum! All was going well for several minutes then there would be a sickening thunk as the tool dug in and the machine stalled! :doh:

A dig in is bad news as everything gets rather strained and has to be reset plus if it happens near the end of the job the work might have to be biffed in the bin or a nasty gouge tolerated.

So I watched, and watched and of course nothing happened then I saw it.  The clapper had managed to wear the pin out of round which meant after a hundred or so strokes the tool would not fall down and so one or two strokes followed cutting nothing but of course the feed was still advancing then when the tool finally did fall down the cut was about 3 or more time normal and hence the dig in.

A clean up and fixing the clapper pin took care of that!

Sally is a sweet little machine but she does like a little attention now and then!

Lovely Little Sally.......  :wave:

Just the same as most women, demanding attention when you least expect it.........  :poke:

They never allow you to take them for granted...... For long!  ::)

David D

Glad you fixed it John... :thumbup:

Aren't they great little devices when working smoothly.... :ddb:

John Hill:
Too right guys!  Sally Shaper is just about my favourite toy,  sometimes I could just give her a big hug!  

In fact I can give Sally Shaper a big hug and carry her around the 'shop,  can anyone else do that with their shaper! :ddb:

Aww, mines not quite as friendly as yours John, she can give a nasty kick if you catch her at the wrong moment ..... :lol:


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