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save to lift?

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Mr blindbird:
It finaly arrived,my lathe where i've been dreaming of since i left school 20 years ago :bow:
I had a real tuff strugle to get it from my driveway up to my litle shop,had to tackle numerous bumps on the way along with 2 steps up.
But i finaly got it in place to lift it up on it's standart BUT...i can still loose it if not carefull enough.
That's why i thought maybe one of you guys has more experiance with lifting things,back at work i move around pipes that are 5 times heavyer on the 4t bridge with ease and very confident but here in my shop i only have a minimum of lifting choises.
This is how i got it now,the side of the headstock hangs in a 1t strap on a treaded bar M14,the side of the tailstock is hanging in a 1t strap on a treaded bar M12,both bars were fitted tru the wooden beams on the sealing which are 50 year old 6X2.5,i drilled the holes in the midle,which means they have 3" under them.
will it all be strong enough to lift it safely or are other ideas better maybe??what should i do?[/img]


Hi Danny

It's difficult to say what the best thing to do is, if you have any doubt in your mind, try and give the wooden beam some extra support.

Have you removed as many things as you can to get the weight down:- Tailstop, compound slide, sadle, electric motor, its easyer to bolt them back onto the lathe when its in place than to try and fix a broken lathe or a broken you.

Good luck and be carful.


Mr blindbird:
Thx already,i posted some pics to...was to late ::),as you can see indeed,i already removed as much as possible to lower the weight,i'll go try with extro support on the beams,and thx for the concern,i'll make sure that in w.c.s it's only a broken lathe and not a broken me :zap:,there are more lathe's where this came from  ::)

Hi Danny,

I would think the beams would be ok, but just to be sure could you support them with another post under them. Upright from the floor to the beam?

I'm not so sure about the threaded bar though? It might be M12 but in reality because of the thread the diameter strength would be more like a 10mm solid bar.
That does not sound much to me?

Hi Danny

I think the beam will be OK. But I don't like how that studding is bending try and get the weight closer to the beam, or a thicker bit of bar.

You can take the chuck off and the compound slide that will help quite a bit.

Good luck Stew


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