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A little miller

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--- Quote from: Darren on July 09, 2009, 05:52:00 PM ---Aww come on guys, didn't someone think that little miller was cute...!

The fact it actually worked and made some neat tooling made it even more impressive....

Didn't it, or do only I have "the" disease..... :)

--- End quote ---


Definitely thought that it was cute but was so busy thinking of all the neat cute things it could make I totally forgot about its cuteness (sp). :smart:

I don't think that I will be biding on it as the trip accross the pond would probably be worth more than the bid. :(

This definitely was a nice find though Darren. Thanks for posting the link. :clap: :clap:




John Hill:
Thats just about a match for my Adept shaper! :lol:


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