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Joint Project - Building two little Elmer #25 engines

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My brother-in-law has always been into engineering and was brought up building cars with a current job in designing and fitting large scale pipe work. Many years ago he did try and build an engine of his own design but he didn`t have the tooling and eventually gave up. Since building up my selection of tooling he has become more and more interested in getting involved and about a month ago I gave him that old lathe I bought a while ago ( although wish I hadn`t as I in retrospect I could have salvaged some damn useful pieces for future projects from it, including the motor  :scratch:) -

He has done a great job of building it up, he has refitted all the frame work around a thick steel base and it is now very solid and with a little more tuning, should be capable of some accurate work. Anyway, we decided to do a joint project and after I showed him Spuddevans (Tim) smashing job of the Elmer #25 engine, we both agreed we would try that one. Not only do we have the original Elmer plans for free but we also have Tims excellent write up and pictures. As we both wanted an engine at the end of it, we decided that we would split the parts and a double up. As I have the milling machine I ended up with the Frame, cylinder and piston and he took the flywheel, crank and base/foot (round like on Tims rather than square as per plans).

Anyway, we are on our way, here are all the bits minus the base. There is something extra satisfying about having duplicate parts! Not too much further to go, frame obviously needs marking out and drilling but then it should be a case of putting it all together! I`ve put some oil grooves on the piston this time and I think with my more accurate machining, the pistons are a better fit than on my previous engine. The brass cylinder also drilled and reamed much much smoother than the ally on my last one - infact even after drilling it was a mirror finish on the inside. Certainly a satisfying "POP" when the piston is pulled from the cylinder. All parts need polishing and buffing.

I was just wondering - is it a possibility that a joint engine could be organised on the forum or does this not interest anyone?


Great work there Chris.

As far as joint engine building as a forum project. I don't know. BrassMachine is involved with it on the HMEM forum. Personal opinion, I don't think it works out to well. Many are enthusiastic at the begining but that seems to start dimming as the project goes on.

Take a look here


I joined in the TB2 project on HMEM.  So far I received most of the necessary parts, and once I finish the paddleduck engine I think I will just try to complete it by fabricating the few parts remaining, esp. now that I have some beginning knowledge of silver solder.

Looking very good there Chris  :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

It's funny how making 2 of a part only takes a little more time than making 1 part. There's something to be said for production techniques.

I look forward to seeing more pics and even a video of them running.


Looking good Chris

I can see the effects of the learning curve you went through with your first build on these parts, Its nice when you can bounce ideas off another person when doing projects like this, I supose thats the strength of Forums like this.

Have fun



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