Since I haven't seen any messages here I thought I'd start out.
I built myself an air compressor from surplus parts and now have a pretty nice uint. I still need to get a better arrangment for the piping. Pictures are here on my web site.'s just one of my tools.
Here's another tool that I aquired last year. It's an old Buffalo Forge No. 21 drill press that I got for $100 bucks. I've swapped out the old 880RPM 3ph 208Volt motor and installed a drive system from a treadmill. After looking at the pics again I see I need to add a few more pics showing the treadmill drive I've added. So for now enjoy the pics I've got. I'll post here when I've up dated with more pics.'t know if this qualifies as a tool. I guess it could since it's used to haul stuff home with. I built a 7,000lb gross vehicle weight trailer to haul stuff like the drill press. I'm hoping to use it some day to haul home a Bridgeport mill and bigger lathe. ;D More projects comming. On the list are a rebuilt Wheel Horse tractor, a pallet saw and hopefuly a tow behind mower of 72" cutting width. When will this all happen? ??? Don't know so stay tuned. 8)