The Breakroom > The Water Cooler
Quiet around here...
Hi all sos for not posting with work and my health and it's bin a year since I got a new workshop put up and every thing is still in boxes will post sum pics lol
Still here.... but with a busy day job, and now two children at home, I don't get chance to play with the machines anything like as much as I'd like... plus for cost reasons, I now find I'm having to significantly downsize: No more massive broken lathes for me :(
I've pretty much gone to the other extreme in terms of what I am doing - lots of tiny stuff for model railways; I do a lot more 3d printing now (both FDM and resin), but much of that is going to have to go on hold for a while, once I close down my workshop office. Hoping to move house next year & find a place with a big garage/shed (or room for a big shed) so I can at least keep the Edgwick & Bridgeport, and the spark eroder which sits idle for years & then is absolutely vital for a job!
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